C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall

A tremendous opportunity to unlock $7.2 million in matching funds from Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63) is now available to power the renovation of the C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall. Nestled between the inn, arboretum and botanical gardens, and Darden academic buildings, the facility will be home to dramatically improved program space for Darden alumni and lifelong learning, once renovated. Named in honor of one of the School’s great early leaders — Professor Emeritus C. Ray Smith (MBA ’58), who served as a mentor to thousands of students for more than 40 years — the renovation will activate the space in new and engaging ways.

A Dynamic New Home for Alumni and Visitors

Renovations to the 45,000-square-foot building — current home of the bookstore and parts of the Darden Inn — will begin in 2021 and will serve as a dynamic new home to welcome alumni and other visitors to the School. The renovated structure will feature:

  • Dramatically improved program space for alumni events and lifelong learning opportunities
  • Collaboration areas
  • New office space for alumni engagement, the Darden School Foundation, and Executive Education and Lifelong Learning

The renovations will also create greater connectivity to Camp Library and the heart of Darden Grounds.

C. Ray Smith

(MBA ’58), Professor Emeritus

Few in Darden’s history have played a more central role advancing Darden than C. Ray Smith. In the 42 years he served on the faculty, he taught across disciplines; authored dozens of cases and courses; developed executive education programs; served as interim dean three times; and mentored thousands of students, faculty and staff across generations. The new C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall will create improved spaces for alumni and lifelong learning and cement C. Ray’s legacy at the School.

Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63)

I am a big believer in lifelong learning and that learning is enabled by great faculty. I hope this gift will inspire others to give and hope that the School will continue to be a true force for good in the free markets and broader world.

Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63)
Generously donated $7.2 million as a challenge match to spur renovation of C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall
Featured and Other Spaces
Naming Opportunities
C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall
Featured Spaces
Alumni Lobby $1 million
Smith Alumni Gateway** $1 million
Arrival Points
Arrival Gardens, Allées and Upper Grounds Entrance** $750,000
Alumni Lounge – RESERVED $500,000
Entrance Portico $500,000
Lobby (2) $200,000 each
Partnership for Leaders in Education (PLE) Small Lobby Entrance $150,000
Work Spaces
Large Conference Room – RESERVED $500,000
Conference Rooms (4) – 3 RESERVED $250,000 each
Team Learning Rooms (8) – 2 RESERVED $50,000 each
Staff Offices (30) – 4 RESERVED $25,000 each
Outdoor Spaces
Japanese Garden** $500,000
Bricks at Key Gathering Places (200) $5,000 each

*All naming and naming levels subject to UVA approval

**Indicates naming opportunities a part of the Arboretum and Botanical Gardens

For more information on the C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall, please contact Interim Vice President for Advancement Samantha Hartog at HartogS@darden.virginia.edu or +1-434-982-2151.

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