Faculty Office Building

Enhancing the Faculty Experience

The University of Virginia Darden School of Business is consistently ranked as providing the world’s best educational experience, thanks in large part to its renowned faculty. Darden expects excellence in student-centered instruction, world-class research and leadership in business practice. To support these efforts, faculty need spaces that promote both quiet work and collaboration, along with areas to engage students, alumni and external leaders.

Built more than 25 years ago, the current Faculty Office Building (FOB) lacks modern amenities, natural light and collaborative spaces. The Darden Faculty Office Building Refresh Project will address these shortcomings by renovating the building to include additional faculty offices, open workspaces and cutting-edge meeting areas. Designed by Robert A.M. Stern Architects, the refreshed FOB will reflect Darden’s commitment to excellence and innovation, ensuring a dynamic environment for faculty and students alike.

Existing offices

114 faculty offices
17 AO staff offices

131 total desks

Proposed offices

129 faculty offices
20 staff offices
18 emeriti & visiting workstations

167 total desks
25% increase in capacity

This project will add several critical amenities:

  • An inspiring new Faculty Collab Space specifically designed for faculty seminars for both internal and external speakers. The new room will be large enough to accommodate 25 attendees and include technology enhancements to accommodate virtual speakers and participants easily. It can also be used as a casual gathering space for faculty to engage in collaborative work.
  • An attractive new Faculty Library to serve as a quiet space for emeritus and visiting faculty to conduct their work but in a communal environment.
  • Renovations and activation of Outdoor Porches connected by an Exterior Walkway. Activating such spaces will promote wellness, health and outdoor engagement. The second-level loggia will provide a connection to Saunders Hall (Batten Global Innovation Nexus) and the Faculty Research and Administration Building/Camp Library.
  • Renovations of the hallways and offices will allow for more natural light and create a more open and welcoming building. This includes renovations to activate the Gardens between the wings of the building.

Join us in making history! By choosing to name a space in the new Faculty Office Building, you are making a statement that you believe in the power of education to change lives. Your generous contribution will be invested in the future of business, our students' success, and Darden's enduring legacy. Together, we can create a lasting impact that will resonate for generations to come.

Existing Faculty Courtyard
Proposed Faculty Courtyard
Naming Opportunities
Faculty Office Building Qty
Faculty Building 1 $15 million
Faculty Pavilions with outdoor porches 4 $3 million each
Faculty Collab Space 1 $2.5 million
Faculty Library 1 $1 million
Emeriti/Visiting Faculty Office 1 $250,000
Large Conf Room 1 $150,000
Conference Room4 4 $100,000 each
Lobby 1 $50,000
Faculty Offices 129 $25,000 each
Staff Offices 20 $25,000 each

*All naming and naming levels are subject to UVA approval

For more information, please contact Samantha Hartog, Deputy Vice President for Advancement, at HartogS@darden.virginia.edu or +1-434-981-4025.

Proposed Faculty Collaboration Space
Proposed Connection to the Courtyard